Man I’m so stoked that the LUNATICS are craving music from around the Tri-State. Over the past two weeks I’ve reached out to 50 some bands, contacted venues for them to send over the local shows they’ve booked & have about 30 new local songs in the system. I have received more than that as bands have sent me multiple tracks, but I’m only focused on one song from each right now.
I have a desire to bring you the latest music from the newest & most active bands from around the Tri-State as well as from the big-little city up North, Dayton. This show focuses on music you have a chance to go out and experience within a short drive. Don’t hesitate to go out and catch these guys and gals live. PLEASE don’t let a cover charge stop you from going out and catching live music. Most shows you’ll only drop about $10 at the door, the cost of a craft beer and tip.
Static Tension
Crooked Rook
Razing Babylon
Soul Descent
The Interns
Suck the Honey
Saint Christopher
Young Will Stone
This week’s Native Noise Spotlight Band is Razing Babylon. These guys are opening up for Drowning Pool this Saturday for the WEBN FROGSTAKES at Turfway Park. Razing Babylon formed back in 2003 under the name Last Reaction, however they’ve all been friends for more than 15 years, with 2 being stuck with one another their entire lives as drummer Mike Stamper & lead guitarist Mason Stamper are brothers. Razing Babylon is fronted by John Stroude, Josh Fields handles rhythm guitar & John Holland lays down the bass.
Josh was dealt a major blow a few years ago, finding out he had testicular cancer. Good news though, 3 years ago his nuts were dubbed safe once again beating the nasty C. The band’s frontman is not only a killer on vocals, but he’s had to lay down some ass kicking in Iraq as he is a proud US Army Vet. Another side note from the band, drummer Mike was the original drummer in Black Vail Brides, sucks he is missing that fat cash but at least he doesn’t have to be a metal poser w/ those LA Douchebags. I contacted rhythm guitarist Josh Holland and had a chance to ask him a few things.
How did Razing Babylon survive as a band while your frontman was off serving in IRAQ? Did you guys get involved with other projects or get a fill in guy?
We hadn't become Razing Babylon until John returned. While he was gone, Mike joined Black Veil Brides for a brief time, then a country band "KY Myle", and Josh played bass for a band called Vatica.
Being a band for so long, is it frustrating that you haven't made that jump to something bigger, or are you content doing what you do?
At times, it can be frustrating not jumping to something bigger, but it's something we recognize is difficult to do in this market. Not impossible, but definitely difficult.
Opening for Drowning Pool is a pretty sweet gig. Are you guys gonna take the opportunity to try and slip the band an album or EP? What's your plan for Saturday's show?
We would definitely like to slide them a copy of our EP, which we will have for sale on Saturday. As for the show itself, we plan to be our best set together and try to bring the energy to the crowd to get them fired up.
Do you guys get involved in any charity gigs, perhaps some stuff with the American Cancer Society or with an organization specializing in Testicular Cancer?
I make annual donations to the American Cancer Society. We would love to perform at a charity gig, but have been unable to find one. We have thought about putting a gig together ourselves.
Lastly Spring & summer are around the corner, planning any big gigs? Do you guys try and get on the local festivals? Any Tour plans for outside The Tri-State?
We would love to be a part of some big gigs over the summer. We plan on taking a little time off after the gig Saturday to finish up some new songs we have started but not finished. Come late spring/early summer, we plan on hitting the stage hard and play as many shows as we can.
Be sure to check out Razing Babylon Saturday at the WEBN FROGSTAKES taking place at Turfway Park starting at 6. This will be the last show from the band for a few as they plan on hitting the studio to work on some new tracks.
That’s it for this week’s NUDGECAST. If you want to add anything to the nudgecast, thoughts, feelings, suggestions reach out to me through facebook or Nudge@Webn.com Share the NUDGECAST on Facebook & Twitter, nudge your favorite local bands to send me their new stuff and do your part by Rocking Hard & Rocking Local.
Breakup Lines w/ an Album Release Party @ The Southgate Revival House w/ Settle Your Scores, Soft Spoken & Circle It
MOTR Pub has MONA opening up for Toronto band July Talk a band who’s playing Bunburry later this year. 10pm
Punk Rock Night @ Southgate local’s New third Worlds open up for Hudson Falcons 10pm
PrizonWood @ Knotty Pine
Black Ties, The Agoraphobes, XIII & Do You remember (A Tribute to Earth, Wind & Fire) @ 20th Century Theater
Thompson House hosts their 2nd annual Black hearts Ball: This all day festival includes some of the greatest talent in the Tri-State area. Acts include For The Fire , Derailed , Third Person Omega , Clean Slate , Dead in Paradise , Against Icarus , Sacrifice the Sun, Today's Last Tragedy , Carried By Six , and Headlining this year I, Apollo
PrizonWood @ Knotty Pine
The Cliftones @ MOTR Pub
AUTISM ROCKS: w/ Swan / Blue Spectrum / Paisley Cane / Wise Guys / Life After This / Amy Sallor Band / Brittney’s Lipstick / Danny Frazier Band / Bi In Iowa / Robin Lacy & Dezydeco / Dangerous Jim and the Slims / Twisted Fate @ Fairfield Banquet & Convention Center
Future Local Shows
Fri: 2/17
Thompson House Welcomes Artifas with special LOCAL guest’s Black Cloud Syndrome , Death of a Poet , Against All Odds , and Life After This !!!! Doors are at 7 show is at 8 !! All ageas
Life In Idle, In Lights, Mountain House, Tommyrot, Flee The Valley @ The Underground
Punk Rock Night w/ V-Twin Sin @ The Southgate House Revival
Audible Point / The World I knew / Automatic Evolution / Toybox Killer & Ryan Satzer open for Gemini Syndrome @ tapouts
Donnie Canfied and Eletric Campifire Band from Hell, Sinful CROW, temper, The New Machine, MC M.G.C. @ Old Crow Bar
Saving Escape, Sonarray, Red Metafor, Black Friday, Cory James Smith @ The Underground
Production 101 @ Urban Artifict. Ever wanted to run sound / lights and all the fun stuff behind the scenes at a concert? Come learn and get some hands on training FOR FREE.
Suck the Honey @ MOTR Pub
2/24Conscious Pilot, The Grove & Toaster Bath @ Ladder 19
Crook Rook w/ Chakras & Cody Houston @ MVP Sports Bar & Grille
Telehope w/ Washful & The Interns @ The Underground
CCM David & Amanda Lessing “Love Has Won” single release with Jacob Shane & Co, Safekept, & Tyler Jarvis @ The Underground
Madison Theater Band Challenge Semi-Finals: As You Like It, Crosswalk, Cultural Vultures, Jesse Finley, Life Brother, Mask of the Charlatan, The Alaskans, Their Accomplices @ Madison Theater
Grieving Otis / Hope I Die @ Madison Live
The Grove Presents 2nd annual Rock n’ revival for a Cure @ Southgate House $10. The Grove / Here Come Here / Lemon Sky / 90 Proof Twang / Zebras in Public / One Day Steady / Current Events / Beloved Youth / Telehope / Young Heirlooms / Jim Trace and the Makers / Sunae Drives / Motel Faces / Room For Zero / Green Light Morning / Wilder / Jess Lamb / Lullaby Crash / The Key Conepts / Jamwave / Matt Schneider / Tag & Toaster Bath
Avanti “CONVICTIONS” Ep Release Party w/, Derailed, Necro-Coitus, Sleep Comes After Death, The Obnoxious Boot @ Madison Live!
Madison Theater Band Challenge Semi-Finals: B-Sides, Joe Tellman band, Men of Blues, Off Black, Resonator, The Shaun Peace Band, The Shift, The Vims @ Madison Theater
CHAOS AT THE CROW: Dear Agony Gideon, Malice, Bad Attitude & others @ Old Crow Bar
Madison Theater Band Challenge Semi-Finals: Boxtrot, Conductor, Jones & The Hype Train, I.N.Y.A., Oak rose Lamp, Soul Butter, Tag, Wicked Peace @ Madison Theater
Go Go Buffalo opens up for Mac Sabbath & Okillly Dokilly @ The Woodward Theater
March 25th
Third Person Omega opens up for TRAPT, trapt is going all acoustic that evening @ Madison Live!
March 31st
Big Ass Rock Show @ Bogarts
RIND / Sever The Ties / Secret Circle Society / Grieving Otis / Dangermonkey / Saving Escape / Lying In Ruins / Highball
Static Tension @ Old Crow Bar
July 1 & 2 EARTH SHOCK 2017 presents Earth Shock IN HAMILTON
MOTR PUB has local shows 7 nights a week, check their schedule http://motrpub.com/index.php/events/month/
Urban Articfact has shows nearly everynight
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