Photo: TheCrimsonMonkey
Trying to find your "Look?" Especially men trying to stand out. There is a new trend on TikTok that is having men shave their eyelashes. Maybe this is the trick you've been looking for?
These videos from content creators and more have generated outrage along with millions of views. A user who goes by Billy Bee posted a video with over 37.1 million views of a man getting a trim at the barber’s. “I would never let a razor near my eyes,” one person commented.
I thought that eyelashes actually served a purpose. Well, turns out I was right.
According to, eyelashes protect your peepers from dust, pollen, and debris. Eyelashes typically fall out on their own and take six to eight weeks to grow back.
I thought long eyelashes was a good thing on anyone? But I'm not a beauty expert. But I don't think I'll be following this trend.
Would you shave your eyelashes?