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A 4 Year Old Calls The Cops...Over Ice Cream

Photo: photograph by dorisj / Moment / Getty Images

Remember when you would get mad at your parents back in the day, and you would open your stupid mouth like I did and say "I'm calling the cops on you!!" and that opens the floodgates of fighting in the house. I got my a$$ beat by my dad because of this. But a 4 year old called because of ice cream? Wonder if the same thing happened to him?

The boy is 4 and lives in Wisconsin. He called 911 emergency services claiming his mother stole from him. (oh boy.)

Responders Rachel Gardinier and Francesca Ostergaard visited the Mount Pleasant home to find that the boy wanted his mother arrested for taking his ice cream away. This is where he went wrong. But that's because I've lived this.

Well....the officers delivered two soft-serve ice creams to the family.

They also reminded the boy to only call the police in the event of an emergency, but some social media users felt the boy’s actions were justified. “I’m not saying he’s right. All I am saying is I understand,” one commenter said on Facebook.

Have you ever called the cops on your parents for something that's not serious like this?

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