Pictured (left to right): Shroom, KiddChris, Dubs, Rachel, Thomas, Meat
Photo Credit: Sami Jo Photo
Hey Lunatics! I'd love to see you at one or all of the following places this week with WEBN!
Tuesday: Smyth Automotive in West Chester 11a - 1p
Wednesday: LasikPlus in Kenwood 12p - 2p
Thursday: Hoxworth Blood Center's mobile unit at Jungle Jim's Fairfield 11a - 1p
-Miami Valley Gaming in Lebanon 7p - 9p
Friday: Key Bank in West Chester 12p - 2p
Monday (8/26): Kroger in Newport 11a - 1p
At each of these events you will have the opportunity to sign up to win VIP Front Row for the Western & Southern WEBN Fireworks Sunday, September 1!
For more details info on each event check out WEBN.com/Calendar