The highlight of my weekend was singing with STP2 - A Tribute To Stone Temple Pilots at our Countdown Party to the Western & Southern WEBN Fireworks! Check out video from the performance below. Stone Temple Pilots is one of my favorite bands and Scott Weiland was a huge influence for me personally. I can't thank STP2 enough for asking me to sing with them. There's no better feeling than rocking out with a band live on stage!
10 years ago I was the lead singer of an all original metal band called Reaper. Here is a video I found on YouTube of Reaper performing our song 'Poltergeist' at McGuffy's in Dayton, OH. God I miss it so much!
Look at some of these awesome photos from Twin Spire Photography!
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Make sure you check out STP2 singer MICK BLANKENSHIP!
I hit the stage again with STP2 to perform one of my personal favorites "Big Bang Baby". Unfortunately, I don't have a full video of this song. You can see a clip of it below though. Hoping to get more video of this song soon.
Love how they had the entire show playing on the big screen on Fountain Square!
Countdown to Western & Southern WEBN Fireworks Party at Fountain Square